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Creating Our Future Village

Neighbourhood planning provides a powerful set of tools for local people to ensure that they get the right types of development for their community where the ambition of the neighbourhood is aligned with the strategic needs and priorities of the wider local area. Local communities can choose to: 


  • set planning policies through a Neighbourhood Development Plan that is used in determining planning applications.

  • grant planning permission through Neighbourhood Development Orders and Community Right to Build Orders for specific development which complies with the order.


Neighbourhood planning is not a legal requirement but a right which communities in England can choose to use. Our unique village and its superb historic landscape setting is under threat from a number of directions. Some of these we can do little about with a Neighbourhood Development Plan (HS2 for example), but for others (such as the Redrow development) we can try to ensure that it is preserved and conserved as much as possible.


In the autumn of 2018, Warburton Parish Council decided to seek permission from Trafford Council to produce a Neighbourhood Development Plan. The Parish Council have previously produced a Village Design Statement (2004) and this will feed into the new Neighbourhood Development Plan. The Warburton Neighbourhood Development Plan gives residents the opportunity to determine what is appropriate development and what should be protected from development for ourselves. It is a superb opportunity and one we really should not miss.


First Consultation - December 2021


In December 2021 Warburton Parish Council held a drop in session to gain feedback on the first part of the plan (The Vision Statement and Planning Document).  In addition, copies of this document where also distributed to every household in the village.  Feedback was received and has been incorporated into the initial plans. You can read a copy of the feedback summary from the first consultation round here 


Second Consultation - June 2023


In June 2023 a second and fully comprehensive draft of the Neighbourhood Development Plan was shared with the community to gain further and more comprehensive feedback.  This draft, a copy of the draft Masterplan and a summary document were shared with each household and further copies were on display in the Saracens Head pub and St Werburghs Church.  In addition, a drop in session was held in the Parish rooms.  Whilst this second consultation was not a formal consultation as per Neighbourhood Development Plan requirements, the parish council felt it was important to ensure residents has maximum opportunity to input into the plans and provide feedback. Feedback from this round of consultation was also incorporated into the plans and a summary of feedback at this stage can be found here.


Final Statutory Consultation - July 2024


An important part of the process is the final Statutory Consultation.  This stage was completed on 31st August 2024.  We followed a similar process to the previous two consultation exercises, distributing documents to every house in the village.  In addition, we placed copies of the draft plans in the Parish Rooms, St Werburgh's Church porch, The Egg Hut on Moss Lane and a copy was also made available from the Parish Council Clerk at 10 Edgerton Avenue, Warburton WA13 9TD.  Drop in sessions were held at St Werburgh's Church on Saturday 13th July at 12 - 4pm and at the Parish Rooms on Saturday 31st August at 2 - 4pm. Feedback was provided by completing hard copy forms or using the available online survey tool. The Parish Council is confident we have effectively consulted with the residents of the village and gained your feedback and input, a report on all the feedback will be available shortly. 


Please Click here for Important Regulation 14 Public Consultation information 

©2024 by Warburton Parish Council. Proudly created with

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