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Here you will find the latest updates on many of the issues affecting our village. Check out some of our featured articles below and learn more about our efforts.


May, 2024

In response to many residents concerns regarding road safety and traffic speeds, WPC commissioned an extensive traffic survey to gather data in order to press Trafford council to take action and review road safety in the village.  A meeting was held with Andrew Hauge (Traffic officer for Trafford Council).  Unfortunately, there are very minimal resources available, but there is the possibility of some intervention on the gateway roads into the village.  Discussions continue with Trafford and Amey and further updates will be available shortly.  You can access the report here 


Oct 2024

We are delighted to hear that the Parish rooms are nearing completion of the renovation project. A significant sum has been provided to fund new electrics and fire alarms, insulate the kitchen roof, renovate the toilet facilities including installing a disabled toilet, general decoration and installing lights outside the building.


October 2024

Pavement Clearing

We are advised by Trafford BC, that verges will be cleared and pavements swept by Amey, by the end of Oct 2024.

In the event that the village pavements remain unusable after this work is undertaken, The Parish Council is obtaining quotes for private contractors to assist in clearing the footways. The main focus is the Dunham Road from the bridge at Barnes lane to the junction with Paddock Lane.


Several residents are doing an amazing job clearing the pavements that border their properties, with some even clearing large stretches beyond.  The parish council would like to thank all those that have cleared the pavements of the weed growth through-out spring and summer.  


If any residents have particular concerns regarding specific footways, please contact the Parish Council using the contact form on the home page.


Hedge Cutting

In recent years it has become more and more clear that some highways and especially footways in Warburton are obstructed by overhanging vegetation. In combination with the widely-perceived increases in traffic speed and numbers on several Warburton roads, this creates considerably increased risks to life.


Residents are politely reminded that they have a responsibility for their hedges and trees, in particular where these front the public highway.


The Highways Act 1980 requires landowners or occupiers to ensure that, hedges and trees do not cause an overhang hazard or otherwise obstruct the highway, meaning both road and footways;  growth from hedges and trees do not restrict visibility of road signs and street lights; and  clippings from hedge cutting activities do not cause a highway hazard.

Local Authorities Highways departments usually require the area 600mm (2’) behind the face of a road kerb to be clear of vegetation over 600mm (2’) high and to a minimum height of 2.5m (8’). In respect of footways, the full width of the footway (which can vary) has to be clear of overhanging or overgrowing vegetation to a minimum height of 2.5m (8’).

Failure to comply with these requirements can result in hedge or tree owners being served notice by the Local Authority Highways Department. This can result in the Local Authority undertaking the work and charging the landowner for this work – often an expensive item!


When trimming or cutting hedges along the highway there are risks involved and residents are asked to take particular care, both for themselves or any contractor working for them (who should be insured). Our farmers tend to use mechanical tractor-mounted hedge flails, but use these during the autumn or winter so that nesting birds are not disturbed and wild flowers in the hedge are not crushed. Where the risks are considered too high by the adjacent resident or his contractor, it may be necessary to arrange with Trafford Council Highways for traffic controls to be used while the works are carried out.


Bird nesting season is officially between the end of February and the end of August (Natural England) and it is recommended that vegetation works (tree and hedge cutting) or clearance works in vegetated areas should take place outside of the nesting season (Wildlife and Countryside Act 1981) as it is illegal to destroy a nest, egg or bird (unless it can be shown that the act was the incidental result of a lawful operation which could not reasonably have been avoided). Hedges and other vegetation which obstruct visibility splays are exempt from the Wildlife and Countryside Act 1981 in respect of the need to keep visibility splays free from obstruction. From the point of view of the wildlife, it is of course better to keep works during the nesting season down to the minimum. Under the Hedgerow Regulations Act 1997 it is an offence to remove a hedge or hedgerow without applying for Planning Permission. Very many of the hedges in Warburton are likely to be deemed ‘Important’, having historic or archaeological value and this increases the requirement for protection.

Bus Service Update

October, 2024

Bus Service Update

Bus services in Trafford, including Warburton, Lymm and Altrincham will join the Bee Network in January 2025. At first, it is expected that there will be no changes to services or any new ones introduced, instead, the priority is stabilising the network. Over time, as the network stabilises and detailed customer data is built up, Trafford Council should start to look at making improvements to the bus services by using detailed passenger journey information to plan the network and where there is demand.


Earlier in the year, WPC had discussions with Transport for Greater Manchester (TfGM) and also wrote to the Mayor's office regarding the steady reduction in bus services to the village, including the loss of a direct bus from the Dunham Road to Lymm and the withdrawal of the Local Link service.


WPC requested that TfGM extend the 280 bus to Warburton and also increase the frequency of the bus service to enable shorter connection times to the Cat5 service. TfGM advised that there wasn't enough time available in the timetable to extend the route to Warburton, as to do so would require an additional vehicle which TfGM believe cannot be justified.  With regards to increasing the frequency of the 280, again, given the size of the villages served which have a total population of 812 for Dunham Massey and Warburton, TfGM also believe this wouldn't be sustainable.


The WPD and the Dunham parish Council have now created a joint working group to continue to lobby for better services - we believe passionately that rural communities should not be disadvantaged simply because of lower population density. The Parish Councils have agreed a joint letter which is being sent to Councillor Aidan Williams at Trafford BC, who is also a member of the combined authorities Bee Network committee. We have requested an urgent meeting to discuss TfGM implementing changes to the 280 minibus service which we believe could be achieved at no additional cost. You can read the letter below and we will report back to you as soon as we have any further news.




For residents struggling with the current bus provision,  Ring and Ride service provides a low-cost minibus service for people who have difficulty accessing public transport. If individuals qualify, they can book an accessible minibus to take them, and an accompanying adult, door to door for journeys of up to 6 miles in Greater Manchester.

Places for Everyone (P4E)

May 24

P4E is looking for representation from the community for people to sit on the “ local groups and representatives” committee.  If anyone would like to participate on this you can access the application here.

The Friends of Carrington Moss are mounting a legal challenge against P4E as they believe the  assessment of the ecological value of Carrington Moss is inaccurate and strongly oppose the building over of large swathes of moss land.  They are requesting support for their challenges and donations can be submitted through their website funding request for legal challenge against P4E  here

P4E under question due to funding and objections.  Will be moving forward with the final consultation which will take 6 weeks

©2024 by Warburton Parish Council. Proudly created with

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